Relief for Struggling Americans from the President

Americans who are fighting to find good jobs and support their families will get the support they need during these tough economic times.”

Published by Tanisha Ajok

I am a 36 years old and i'm married with 2 beautiful girls. I love shopping and and having fun with friends and family. I went to College for 6 years and obtained a Bachelors in Psychology degree. After obtaining this i had to find a job in Social Work. I learned in school how to work for money and stay in debt, work from check to check and spend spend spend. I know you can relate. I realize by being a Christian, God does not want me to live in Poverty like College taught me too. I realized God wants me to live in abundance and grow wealthy, and allow my children to become greater than I. So I had to change my way of thinking. In Reading Rich Dad Poor Dad and Success in 10 steps i realize i can achieve more. God blessed me to find Network Marketing were Millionaires are made. Network Marketing is teaching how to grow step by step and live life abundantly. ( where was this before i started College). I am soaking up all the education about marketing as i did in College learning about Psychology, but this will not take me 6 years to do so and i can earn while learning and i will not have to pay back any loans and i will be debt free. It teaches me how to help people make money and achieve financial goals. This is great, i am excited and ready to help everyone that is looking for a change in their lives. ( allow me to teach you all that i know so you can do the same thing) If you believe in God and believe his teaching of living abundantly, i encourage you to learn all about network marketing and grow and organization that you can hand down to your children children and become wealthy and break the cycle of poverty NOW!!!!! MY goal is To create a positive network among people while developing a debt free environment for every person who is willing to learn and teach and work hard while applying simple, continuous, and correct activity.

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